December 29


The Anomaly of the DTS 4 – Changed World

By Stefan Logar

December 29, 2023

Chapter 4, DTS, Sci Fi, serialized, shorts

Chapter 4 ā€“ Changed World

She stood frozen, her breath caught in her throat, eyes wide with a mix of fear and wonder. Reality before her seemed to unravel, bending and twisting until it tore open, spilling digital fragments and streams of code into the air. From this surreal tear, Lee emerged ā€“ at first a mere wisp of energy, light, and computer code, then gradually solidifying into his familiar human form.

Lee's mother, her expression a tapestry of shock, confusion, and disbelief, stared at him as if seeing a ghost. She teetered on the edge of fainting as Lee quickly stepped forward to catch her.

ā€œIs it really you? Am I dreaming?ā€ she whispered, her voice trembling.

With a gentle smile, Lee replied, ā€œIt's me, Mom. I donā€™t understand it all, but Iā€™m home.ā€

The reality of his presence overwhelmed her, and she collapsed into unconsciousness. Lee carefully carried her into another room, partitioned off by old, dirty linen hanging from makeshift metal sheeting. ā€œAt least itā€™s a roof,ā€ he mused as he laid her down gently.

When she finally awoke, her eyes flickered with uncertainty before recognition set in. Tears spilled over as she embraced Lee, clinging to him as if to confirm he was real.

After regaining some composure, she pulled back slightly, her voice quivering. ā€œItā€™s been over 20 years since they...ā€ Her words trailed off, choked by emotion.

Lee nodded, his own heart heavy with the knowledge of the time that had slipped away. ā€œYes, but I'm back now,ā€ he reassured her, an unspoken promise in his tone.

ā€œYou didnā€™t age a day, son!ā€ his mother noticed.

ā€œIā€¦ā€ Lee began, his gaze locking with his motherā€™s. ā€œI am different now. I don't fully understand how, but Iā€™ve transcended my humanity.ā€ A soft smile touched his lips.

His mother, her eyes tinged with worry yet filled with curiosity, returned the smile and gestured for him to sit. As Lee settled down, she began to unravel the events of the past two decades.

Lee listened intently, his expression darkening with each revelation. A storm of rage started to build within him. The DTS had overtaken the world, creating or discovering a prison realm to vanish those they deemed undesirable. While the early slums remained untouched, millions were displaced, erased from earthly existence, treated as nothing more than refuse.

For the blindly compliant, life under the DTS appeared utopian ā€“ a world free of worries and needs. But beneath this veneer, countless lives were discarded and forgotten. Leeā€™s fists clenched involuntarily as the bitter truth sank in.

ā€œCareful now, son,ā€ his mother cautioned, noting the rising storm within him. ā€œIf you let your thoughts stray too far, the DTS will come for you again.ā€

A defiant grin spread across Leeā€™s face. ā€œThen that's exactly what I'll do,ā€ he declared. ā€œIt's time to stand up and end their reign of terror.ā€

Stepping outside, Lee unleashed a tirade against the DTS, his voice ringing with contempt and determination. His rant, peppered with more swear words than he cared to count, echoed through the desolate outskirts.

Minutes ticked by, and then, as if summoned by his defiance, a portal ripped open. A squad of heavily armed soldiers emerged, their expressions a mix of annoyance and disdain.

ā€œBack in this dump,ā€ one soldier grumbled as he stepped through.

ā€œWhere else would someone be foolish enough to openly challenge them?ā€ another added, scanning the area.

As the last soldier secured their perimeter, one pointed his weapon at Lee. ā€œMust be this guy,ā€ he said flatly.

ā€œJust a kid,ā€ another observed, while the sergeant adjusted the digital display on his gun. The words 'Prison Realm' flickered on the screen.

ā€œTime to send you away, kid,ā€ the sergeant announced, aiming the portal gun at Lee.

ā€œDonā€™t move an inch, or we'll shoot,ā€ another soldier warned.

Lee, unfazed by the guns trained on him, merely smirked. ā€œDo what you have to,ā€ he challenged.

As the sergeant fired, a frantic message crackled through their comms: ā€œDO NOT SEND HIM OUT!ā€

A stunned silence fell as Lee vanished. The sergeant, responding to the barrage of questions and insults over the radio, replied tersely, ā€œToo late! Weā€™re coming back in.ā€

The soldiers retreated through the portal, leaving behind the quiet slums at the edge of the towering mega-cities. These cities, encased by walls higher than skyscrapers, segregated the exiled from the utopian world within. Meanwhile, outside, nature reclaimed what was left, and those cast aside were left to fend for themselves in the forgotten fringes.


Would you dare to stand up, in a world where mere thoughts could mean exile for the rest of your life?

Stefan Logar

Stefan Logar

From a young age on, Stefan loved writing and storytelling. With a very active imagination and vivid fantasy, he began crafting detailed worlds that felt as real as reality itself. When not crafting new stories and working on ideas based on his dreams, he is a father of six and enjoying life as a family dad. 


I use A.I. to optimize and improve upon my writing, while all my stories are original pieces, I ask A.I. to help me refine, brainstorm, deepen and enhance stories through honest feedback based on current trends and writing baselines. It helps me to proofread and fix some grammar and spelling issues. 
A.I. generated most images for my stories as well. Using DALL-E or Midjourney for the creation. Furthermore, other aspects and graphics might come licensed through envato elements.

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