December 31


The Anomaly of the DTS 5 – Rebellion

By Stefan Logar

December 31, 2023

Chapter 5, DTS, Sci Fi, serialized, shorts

Chapter 5: Rebellion

As Lee opened his eyes, a desolate landscape unfolded before him. ā€œSo this must be the prison realm,ā€ he mused aloud.

His words acted as a catalyst, drawing people from their hiding places. Clutching makeshift weapons, they looked more like scavengers than fighters. In the distance, a city resembling those of the old world loomed.

Lee focused, tapping into the extraordinary abilities granted by the Digital Realm. He levitated off the ground, the air around him warping as beams of light radiated from his form, making him appear as a beacon in the gloom.

The scavengers gasped in awe and fear, dropping their weapons and retreating. But Lee's voice, amplified and resonant, reached out to every corner of the realm: ā€œI am here to help you end the DTS. If you want your old world back, come to me! Follow the light.ā€ A brilliant beam shot skyward from him, illuminating the desolation.

A spear hurled in his direction transformed into a flock of birds with a mere blink of his eyes. His display of power continued, holograms showcasing his abilities dancing across the skies.

Soon, heavily armed individuals began to gather, their faces etched with fury and loss. If this radiant figure offered a chance at redemption or revenge, they were willing to take it. Within two days, tens of thousands had congregated, forming a makeshift camp that pulsed with newfound life and purpose.

Breaking the anticipatory silence, Lee addressed the crowd: ā€œI, like you, lost everything to the DTS. But as they sought to erase my existence, I gained the power of the digital realm, transcending all known reality.ā€ A smirk played on his lips, unseen in the brilliant light.

ā€œJoin me,ā€ he urged. ā€œSpread chaos, and I will dismantle the DTS from within.ā€

A moment of uncertainty rippled through the crowd, but it was quickly replaced by a wave of pledges. Voices rose in unison, a roaring cheer of commitment and readiness. The crowd, united in their desire for vengeance and freedom, was now a formidable force, prepared to follow Lee in his quest to dismantle the DTS.

Lee ascended further into the sky, his figure transforming into a radiant beacon of streaming light. A powerful pulse emanated from him, intensifying with each passing second.

The surrounding air vibrated with energy, and with every rippling wave that burst forth, the fabric of reality itself seemed to thin and shimmer.

Then, with a resounding boom that echoed through the realm, a portal tore open in the sky. Beyond it lay their home reality, the one that had succumbed to the DTS's tyranny.

ā€œItā€™s time,ā€ Lee announced, his voice now an electronic cascade of unwavering certainty. ā€œTime to reclaim our world.ā€

A wave of hesitation swept through the crowd, faces etched with disbelief. Shock and awe were frozen on many faces, a testament to a moment they never dared to dream of. Yet, as the reality of the portal settled in their minds, a spark of hope ignited.

Cheers began to erupt from the crowd. What started as scattered shouts soon melded into a harmonious chorus, a symphony of voices united in their newfound resolve.

With the last vestiges of doubt dissolving, the crowd surged forward, a relentless tide of determination and courage, stepping through the portal into the unknown future that awaited them.


Imagine you have been banished, and offered a way back. It comes with a confrontation beyond your capabilities; however, it is the only way back... would you take it? Or would you accept your new fate and stay behind?

Stefan Logar

Stefan Logar

From a young age on, Stefan loved writing and storytelling. With a very active imagination and vivid fantasy, he began crafting detailed worlds that felt as real as reality itself. When not crafting new stories and working on ideas based on his dreams, he is a father of six and enjoying life as a family dad. 


I use A.I. to optimize and improve upon my writing, while all my stories are original pieces, I ask A.I. to help me refine, brainstorm, deepen and enhance stories through honest feedback based on current trends and writing baselines. It helps me to proofread and fix some grammar and spelling issues. 
A.I. generated most images for my stories as well. Using DALL-E or Midjourney for the creation. Furthermore, other aspects and graphics might come licensed through envato elements.

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